
Bandar Albegmi.

About Me

My name is Bandar Albegmi and I am a Software Developer/ Web Designer. I love keeping up to date with the new coding techniques and languages. I doodle frequently and come up with new and unique designs for logos, websites, and apps. I enjoy networking with various people and staying connected within and outside of my community to widen my perspectives and learn new things. I am fluent in both Arabic and English which helps me connect with a wider range of people. I play soccer on the daily. Soccer is my therapy sessions. It keeps me happy, fit, and focused to tackle anything that life throws at me. I love learning new things, using teamwork efforts to tackle specific tasks, and troubleshooting problems to gain quicker pathways to success.


What I Do.

• Data Analysis.
• Python 3, C++, C, C#, Java, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Word.
• Certified FullStack Developer.
• Website and UX design.
• Unity and Graphic Designing
• Fluent in both Arabic and English.


I like learning new languages to connect with a wider range of people. I am fluent in both Arabic and English and I served as a translator for hospital patients, refugees, green card interviews, legal status interviews, etc.


Designing inspires me. I want to create a new view of the world, full of colors with my uniqe style.

Web Development

I create websites for people. I also create logos for branding and use my network of talented individuals to take unique photos for the website.


I program in many computer languages such as C++/C, Python, Jave, Bash and SQL.


Featured Projects.

Down below are links to my featured and best projects yet. Hope you enjoy them!😅

Co–Founder / Head of Strategic Operations

Connection of us in a newwave. One of my main inspirational projects. I kept a promise to my self that I will never let this project stop Instagram page

Sawyer SDK

One of the more interesting projects that I worked on. We focused on interacting with this sawyer arm by first creating a visual recognition and with IP addresses we were able to save all the movements of each handshake. Details

UX design

I love designing and I love even more to create new and unique designs that intertwine different aspects, cultures, and spaces for the world to see and admire .


I love simple things, thats why my designs, codes, and lifestyle is all very simple. Details

Soccer Player

The game that was built in me. The skills which were born into my body. The love that keeps me away from any darkness. Details

MSA Logo

This was my first project as a Graphic Designer creating a unique logo for the Muslim Student Association that I was affiliated with Details

MSA Logo

This was my first project as a Graphic Designer creating a unique logo for the Muslim Student Association that I was affiliated with Details


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Where to Find Me

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Call Me At

USA Phone: (+720) 400 1364
SA Phone: +966 544 949290